What We Do
Satori House’s central purpose is to help adults 19+ with learning disabilities/difficulties, autism, mental health, and behaviour that challenges (and their carers) have happier, calmer and more fulfilled lives.
We do this through ongoing education and development that is built on our continually growing knowledge of each individual. Satori House’s education and development is delivered in bite sized chunks with the bias being on fun and enjoyment.
It’s very practical, there is no pressure to learn and progress is made at the individual’s pace as we like each and every individual to enjoy their time with us and to look forward to being with us.
Our Story
Satori House is a modern, exciting and stimulating day centre based in Shirley, Solihull and is the dream of two highly experienced and skilled women, who collectively have worked for more than 30 years with children and adults with severe and profound learning difficulties and who have identified a need for a safe and caring day centre to cater for the needs of adults with complex and high levels of learning disabilities within Solihull Borough.
The aim of Satori House is to deliver a high level of care and stimulating experiences to their service users and to provide a happy and safe environment where everyone who attends can develop to their full potential. We believe that every person has the right to learn and enjoy activities whilst at Satori House, as well as being treated equally and their diverse needs respected at all times.
The word Satori comes from the Buddhist tradition of finding harmony with oneself, this is the main aim of Satori House; a home from home where service users can truly find happiness.